Friday, May 8, 2020

What Free Speech Should Be Limited In College Campuses Essay?

What Free Speech Should Be Limited In College Campuses Essay?You are faced with a difficult decision when writing a paper on what free speech should be limited in college campuses. There are two sides to this debate. Your choice is going to be which side you take and how strong your belief is that free speech should be limited in college campuses. My advice is to look at both sides of the argument and write in a balanced way.I am a member of the College Republicans and I have had a lot of experience with limited speech restrictions in our school. We are often criticized by other students for our conservative views. While we are one of the most vocal supporters of free speech, we know that many other students disagree with us. It's an ongoing debate that has taken place throughout our school's life. They are constantly fighting for the right to be heard while others want to control who can speak and what they can say.Many of my colleagues will give you their opinion on what free speec h should be limited in college campuses. However, I'm not sure which one of them would agree with me. Many of them believe in free speech and other forms of censorship are wrong. This is where you are going to have to make up your own mind.You need to examine your arguments carefully and make sure that what you believe should be limited is the same as what the other side believes should be limited. I know that when I debated with one of the members of the College Republicans on the same issue, he agreed with me that speech should be limited and he disagreed with me on the use of intimidation tactics. He said that speech was never the problem and that the use of violence was a mistake.So what do you believe should be limited in free speech? One side will say that students should be able to call on their government to censor it. They believe that we live in a 'liberal society' and if one side of the political spectrum is allowed to speak freely then the other side needs to be censored for all time. I disagree with this view and disagree with the idea that college campuses should be a 'safe space'. The reason I say this is because students will continue to claim that they are oppressed when it comes to any form of speech and it will not change until we remove all speech.I'm all for free speech but what is the right and acceptable level of speech? It's a very subjective issue. If I live in a country where my government is not allowing me to call for my government to censor my speech then does that mean I should be allowed to do so?And when I think about censorship, I think about what I feel when I hear the words' freedom of speech. Is that something that I should be allowed to say? I don't think so, however, my parents raised me to believe that I have the right to speak and the freedom to learn and that's the type of student I am.So when you are writing your college essay on what free speech should be limited in college campuses, make sure you balance your opinion s on both sides. There is no right or wrong answer, just facts, opinions and your personal experiences.

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