Friday, May 15, 2020

Five Points Of Yog Yoga Essay - 723 Words

Gi Kim PED 109-03 YOGA Carol Ennser November 3, 2014 Five Points of Yoga For this assignment, I thought I would be helpful for me to know about five points of yoga. Swami Vishnudevananda who was born in South India came up with five essential principles of doing yoga. The five points of yoga focused on mental, spiritual, and physical health: proper exercise, proper breathing, proper relaxation, proper diet, and positive thinking and meditation. I think it is important to remind myself about these five points of yoga when starting a new day. The proper exercise is simply moving our body. If we do not provide natural movement to our body then a great discomfort will ensue in a mean time. Proper exercise should not make practitioner unpleased, but it has to make practitioner pleasant and it has to be beneficial to one’s body. Yoga exercises are not only for the body, but also a gateway to widen mental and spiritual condition. Asanas is a yogic physical exercise, which means stable pose. It focuses on the flexibility of the body and the health of the spine. The exercise also affects organs, glands and hormones. Most often times, sun salutation is practice before the Asanas. Proper breathing and controlling breathing take important roles in yoga. In yoga, we use the maximum capacity of the lung when we breathe. We inhale deep slowly and exhale slowly longer and longer than inhale. This process increases energy and clears minds. There are three typesShow MoreRelatedThe Origins Of Yoga And The Second School Being Hatha Yoga2963 Words   |  12 Pagespractice of Yoga. His message permeated throughout the United States while capturing the minds of brilliant Americans such as Gertrude Stein. Vivekananda as well as the Doctrine of Yoga were a sensation, but what has become of the mystical practice known as yoga. In this paper I will discuss the origins of yoga in the West, various schools of thought associated with yoga and with a focus on two in particular: the first being Raja yoga (royal yoga) and the second sc hool being Hatha yoga. Dr. John Renard

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