Sunday, February 23, 2020

Revising and Editing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Revising and Editing - Essay Example When revising a paper, one needs to focus beyond the simple grammar issues such as punctuation, spellings, and vocabulary use. Instead, revision must involve revisiting the paper and working on the weaknesses in the paper. First, one should ensure that the structure and organization of the paper is correct, with no component missing. The introduction, thesis statement, and conclusion must all be in place. Bearing the assignment topic in mind, one must read the paper to ensure the content of the writing marries the assignment topic. This is important to avoid irrelevance. The flow of ideas from topic to topic in the paper is also paramount during revision. One may also focus on the transitioning between paragraphs as an aspect that enhances flow of work. In addition, one must check that their ideas in the paper, as well as their arguments are in line with their thesis statement. Since revision is an involving process, one may need to re-write paragraphs to bring them to right desired standards.Revising mainly serves the function of ensuring that the presentation of the writing to the audience is effective. This is why revision focuses on the readability of the writing, the clarity of the work, as well as the logic of the paper. Failure to focus on these during revision may lead to misrepresentation and misinterpretation of the ideas, irrelevance in the work, and generally a poor quality paper. Editing, on the other hand takes a different focus on the paper. It mainly entails proofreading the work.

Friday, February 7, 2020

The Capital Punishment Sentencing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

The Capital Punishment Sentencing - Case Study Example Sanity evaluation will also be performed in order to assess and check the past history of Mr. Fryer. A possible reevaluation of other factors including assessing the risk of re-offending will also be analyzed. This evaluation will be done in order to contemplate upon the idea of whether if the offender is not punished, will he be able to repeat any offense or not. Mitigating and aggravating circumstances and factors play the critical role in deciding about whether capital punishment should be awarded to an offender or not. Jurors will have to take into account these factors in determining the sentence of capital punishment. Jury often has to take into consideration the balancing act between the aggravating and mitigating factors when deciding about capital murder cases. It is, however, critical to note that both the mitigating and aggravating factors need to be considered exclusively in capital punishment cases. (Rogers, 1997) Aggravating factors are generally the factors which are duly supported by the evidence and point towards circumstances which can help the jury to make the harshest decision. Mitigating factors, however, points towards circumstances which are particular to defendant’s character and can also outline the circumstances under which the crime took place. Mitigating factors can force the jury to decide upon lesser punishment considering the fact that mitigating factors may help the defendant. In this case, considering the overall mental and psychological condition of Mr. Fryer, his mitigating factors may weigh more with respect to his committing of murder. It is also critical to note that each jury member may view both the factors differently. However, from the point of view of forensic psychology, the mitigating factors especially may play important role in shaping the overall opinion because Mr. Fryer was clearly going through a medical condition which required his extensive policing and  support.