Friday, December 27, 2019

Watergate Is Too The Truth From Fiction - 994 Words

During his State of the Union address on January 1974, President Richard Nixon stated â€Å"One year of Watergate is enough†. The amount of stress and scandal that happened during this time in history was probably enough for him, but Watergate has proved to transcend this period. Decades later and we are still learning and studying the basics on how this story came to be and how it was uncovered. Though everyone who reads â€Å"All the President’s Men† may not go on to become journalists, they all have something to learn from it. The most important aspect of the book is discerning the truth from fiction. The beginning of this scandal seemed like any other robbery, but with a closer look a hidden story was uncovered. How can one know that the story†¦show more content†¦The first mistake made in the reporting of this story was getting the information from a second-hand source. According to a Democratic Party Investigator, Alfred Baldwin, a security guard f or Nixon’s reelection committee, had named three men who saw these memos. Bernstein and Woodward did try to confirm this source through another party, a Justice Department official, but his confirmation was of incorrect information. As a result of this false report, William E. Timmons, Robert Odle, and Glenn Sedam were falsely accused to be involved in Watergate and it ruined their reputations. In actuality, Baldwin did not provide these names and the memos that those men actually saw were merely routine security memos. An observer eyewitness is more informed of the truth and a direct statement from Alfred Baldwin would have been beneficial. Assertions in the place of fact can also be a reporter s failure. Instead of assuming ,following up the on FBI reports could have led to a more truthful story. Searching for the direct evidence of the topic being reported about is how a reporter â€Å"opens the freezer† and rushing to report can lead to unwanted mistakes as demo nstrated. Though journalists main goal is to expose the whole truth, to do this they must be open on their methods of acquiring information. With the use of transparency in news articles, the journalists do just this. One major point in the

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The British Of American Liberty Destruction - 1247 Words

Lizbetth Bribiesca Mr. Haro History109 online 03 March 2016 Liberty destruction It was once believed that the British plotted in destroying American liberty. The British imperial crisis helped in the development to the explosion of tensions within American society. The imperial crisis encouraged a range of parties with included tenants, slaves, artisans, and women even those who loved the Crown and in part the of the definition of liberty, which means the condition or state of people who then are able to act and speak freely or the power to choose what they want to do and have no limitation to themselves or despotic government or control, in whole new ideas. Some things that led the way to the independence of the United States of America†¦show more content†¦The act required that all kinds of printed publishing’s be produced in the colonies such as newspapers, books, court documents, commercial paper, land deeds almanacs to carry a stamp purchased from authorizes† (Foner, â€Å"Give Me Liberty!† 179). This was the first time that the British empire demanded for a direct tax as opposed the external tax on The Americas 13 colonies. The new tax was imposed on all American colonists and it the act required that all printed-paper used an embossed revenue stamp. The main reason for this was to help with the payment of the troops stationed in American after the British won the Seven Years’ War and believed that the colonists should help with the debt since the war was mainly to help defend them. Another act was the Sugar Act also known as the American Revenue Act. The sugar Act was passed by Parliament of the British to raise the income from the 13 colonies in the Americas. The act set a tax on sugar in which the British tried to convert the right of trail by the jury in which the colonist’s leaders feared of. The colonial leaders wanted themselves to be free to govern themselves as they have been doing long before the British came to dictate them. In 1764 the Sugar Act put a tax on o versea refined sugar and heightened taxes on such things like wine, molasses, coffee and the printed calico. The British could have defeated

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Theory of Knowledge 2013 free essay sample

â€Å"Only seeing general patterns can give us knowledge. Only seeing particular examples can give us understanding. † To what extent do you agree with these assertions? To answer this quote I will use reason, sense perception and language and three areas of knowledge related to them: science and math for reason and history for language. First it is necessary to analyze the quote; â€Å"Only seeing general patterns can give us knowledge means that we reach knowledge only by recognizing a general trend; â€Å"Only seeing particular examples can give us understanding† means that we do not really learn from details, but only get a basic understanding. As concerns reason I would like to consider science and math, because they best explain how we achieve knowledge through the recognition of general patterns. The first aspect that demonstrated how science uses general patterns to gain knowledge is the fact that science utilizes inductive reasoning, which means that you begin by observing and classifying data and then you look for a pattern that can explain the theory. We will write a custom essay sample on Theory of Knowledge 2013 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page An example will be the gravitational law: Newton gathered data and formulated a hypothesis (understanding from little details) and then found the gravitational law (knowledge from general patterns). Another example that shows how the knowledge derived from science is connected to general patterns is the discovery of the heliocentric planetary system. Initially Copernicus and the other scientists who worked on this topic had to gather information from astronomical observations, but this data only represented an understanding. The real knowledge came from the formulation of the law of planetary motion, which is the general pattern in this case, and that fully explains the way the solar system works.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Geronimo Essay Example

Geronimo Essay Growing up as a kid in Florida, I have had ample opportunity to experience my fair share of community swimming pools. When jumping into swimming pools, kids are most likely to express themselves verbally before hitting the water and creating their splash. The most common phrase heard would probably be Cannonball, or another one-word phrase like, Geronimo. We all know what a cannonball is, but do we all know what a Geronimo is? Geronimo is not actually a thing, but a real live person from the 1800s and early 1900s. Geronimo was a legend for over a generation after his death in 1909. He helped raise spirits for American Indians everywhere during their last few years of non-reservation freedom as well as provoking fear against anyone who crossed his path. Born in 1929, in what today is western New Mexico, he was part of the Bedonkohe Apache tribe. His Indian name was Goyathlay, which translates into one who yawns. The nickname Geronimo was given to him by one of his foes, the Mexican so ldiers. It was never found the real reason he inherited the name Geronimo, but I have a feeling it has something to do with his attack tactics, which include racing down large hills in surprise attacks. When evolving from boyhood to manhood, he married his wife named Juh, and was brought into the tribe Chiricahua, another branch of Apache. Geronimo, was the leader of the last American Indian fighting force present in the United States. Because of the odds he faced and his amazing fighting tactics, Geronimo became known as the most famous Apache of all time. To the Apaches, Geronimo expressed all the signs of Apache values. He was aggressive, extremely courageous, and wasnt ever afraid to face off against outstanding odds. While these values made him a celebrity to Apaches already buckled down in reservations, it also inflicted great fear towards the new settlers of Arizona and New Me

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The 10 Best Sites to Help You Become a Successful Freelance Writer

What does a successful freelance writer mean to you? Does it mean being able to live comfortably from writing alone? Or, does it mean trying to find ways to make more money and diversify your business? Whatever idea you have for success, I found for me, success meant being able to replace my previous salary – Ive actually exceeded that recently – and being there for my family. But, how do you achieve this level of success? What are the building blocks for making your first $1k from freelance writing? Its creating high-value content and being able to promote yourself online. And to start, you need to read about how to create epic content and promote yourself as a marketer. Ive rounded up the 10 best sites – that I go to regularly – to help you become a successful freelance writer. Here they are! 1. Smart Blogger If you want to know how to write killer content, then read anything from Jon Morrows site, SmartBlogger. From having tantalizing headlines, to intros that immediately hook you in, this blog has that and more. And make sure to read one of Jons posts. They inspire and motivate you to action. The site has some of the best writers guest posting, so be sure to read some posts to get an idea of engaging and high-value content. To get you started check out: 317 Power Words Thatll Instantly Make You a Better Writer 2. Be a Freelance Blogger If youre a freelance writer and dont know about Sophie Lizards incredibly resourceful site, Be a Freelance Blogger, then youre missing out on a wealth of information and support. Her site not only has great tips and resources for new freelance writers, but there is also a forum where seasoned freelance writers offer their suggestions and advice. To get you started, check out this post that helped me when I first started: How to Cheat and Steal Your Way to Endless Blog Post Ideas 3. The Write Life The Write Life is a great place to not only learn about freelance writing but about writing in general. Authors and journalists are welcome at The Write Life. From tips to book reviews to guest posting spotlights, this site has a variety of content to devour. Whats nice about this site is that they have their own job board. So, dont forget to check out their listing of potential writing gigs! If youre working full-time and writing on the side, check out this post: Working on the Side: How to Fit Freelance Writing Around a Full-Time Job 4. Social Triggers Raise your hand if you hate marketing? Well, if you want to be successful as a freelance writer, marketing is by far the best way to go about that. Derek Halpern provides tips for selling your books or products. He teaches you how to persuade your customers using psychology and flare. His suggestions will help you earn money. I enjoy his posts on website design as I feel having a clean and modern website can help attract higher-paying clients. Check out this post, Whats the Perfect Width for Your Online Content? 5. The Branded Solopreneur I love digital marketing. Anything related to that – copywriting, branding, content marketing, social media – is right up my alley. And Dre from The Branded Solopreneur is my sweet addiction. I love her take on branding and design, and I love all her freebie webinars! She provides great tips – with tons of examples – on helping you make a better-looking website, logo, and brand. One of my favorite posts of hers is 8 Visual Design Mistakes That Plague Most Non-Designers. 6. Successful Blogging I started reading Successful Blogging when I was learning everything and anything about blogging. I enjoy Sue Anne   Dunlevies topics and the information she provides. Ive also listened to some podcasts of hers, and Ive learned a lot about launching a product. If youre a freelance writer and are stuck writing about boring topics, be sure to check out How to Write Good Blog Posts. Its helped me on some client work in the past! 7. Leaving Work Behind Leaving Work Behind was one of the first few websites that I learned about when I decided to pursue freelance writing. But, I stopped reading it for months because I gravitated more towards Sophies site. But, recently Ive started reading Toms blogs again and am finding the information valuable for scaling my business. So, if you need some help landing clients heres Toms take on finding freelance writing jobs. 8. Copy Hackers I recently learned about Copy Hackers after I started learning about copywriting. Ive always been fascinated by the psychology of behavior and how that relates to online businesses. Thats probably why I like conversion copywriting. Joanna Weibe is a great storyteller and is a fabulous copywriter. If youre interested in copywriting, be sure to check out Is the Seemingly Humble Button More Powerful Than the Headline? 9. Enchanting Marketing Hennekes site is awesome! I mention Enchanting Marketing all over my blog! Shes a popular copywriter and offers some fantastic tips on writing and persuasion. Her free snackable course was my first introduction to email courses. Hennekes feature images are her own hand drawings, and her little person is a trademark of her brand. One post I found helpful with my writing was 4 Types of Weak Words: How to Spice Up Bland Content. 10. QuickSprout If you need help with marketing your content or learning about social media or even about writing, Neil Patel has it all. His blog is updated every two days! And these posts arent small. Theyre well-researched and in-depth. Im simply amazed at his ability to produce epic content. I dont read much of this blog simply because I cant keep up with the content schedule, but Im always excited when I do have some time to read a post of two. One post that I enjoyed reading was Learn from the Best: 6 Skills All Great Writers Have (And How to Learn Them). Always Be Learning As a freelance writer, its our job to be in tune with whats happening online. Whether its about blogging, content marketing, the newest social media platform, webinars, or conversion copywriting, if you want to grow and succeed you need to always be learning. Over to you – what blog do you regularly visit (besides mine? I joke!) to learn more about freelance writing or business in general? Tell me all about it in the comments! And to help with that I have a free course on getting paid to write online. Sign up to my free six-day email course and get even more actionable tips to help you succeed as a freelance writer.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Sample Reference Letter

1400 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10012 (212) 555-6239 April 10, 1998 Subject: Letter of Recommendation for Mr. James Miller To Whom It May Concern: James worked under my supervision as an editorial assistant from September 10, 1997, until April 5, 1998. His responsibilities included conducting research and interviews, fact checking, and writing brief front-of-the-book pieces, in addition to some clerical duties. During the course of his employment, James proved himself to be an able employee, a hard worker, and a talented writer. I was quite impressed by James' ability to complete all work assigned to him on time, if not before it was due. His research was always thorough and comprehensive, and his fact checking always accurate. We sometimes allow our editorial assistants to do some writing, but James' talents prompted us to assign him more pieces than the norm. His writing is clear, concise, and evocative. Overall, James is a very conscientious and able employee. I certainly believe he has what it takes to make a wonderful editor someday, and I am sad to see him leave. I strongly recommend James for any mid-level editorial position in publishing. Sincerely, Edward P. Larkin Executive Editor... Free Essays on Sample Reference Letter Free Essays on Sample Reference Letter 1400 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10012 (212) 555-6239 April 10, 1998 Subject: Letter of Recommendation for Mr. James Miller To Whom It May Concern: James worked under my supervision as an editorial assistant from September 10, 1997, until April 5, 1998. His responsibilities included conducting research and interviews, fact checking, and writing brief front-of-the-book pieces, in addition to some clerical duties. During the course of his employment, James proved himself to be an able employee, a hard worker, and a talented writer. I was quite impressed by James' ability to complete all work assigned to him on time, if not before it was due. His research was always thorough and comprehensive, and his fact checking always accurate. We sometimes allow our editorial assistants to do some writing, but James' talents prompted us to assign him more pieces than the norm. His writing is clear, concise, and evocative. Overall, James is a very conscientious and able employee. I certainly believe he has what it takes to make a wonderful editor someday, and I am sad to see him leave. I strongly recommend James for any mid-level editorial position in publishing. Sincerely, Edward P. Larkin Executive Editor...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Current and Future Economic Issues Impacting Healthcare Sector Coursework

Current and Future Economic Issues Impacting Healthcare Sector - Coursework Example This paper thoroughly analyzes these five factors that are affecting the demand and supply, as well as the costs, of health care services in the United States. It also suggests specific strategies that relevant entities may use to address these issues from an economic perspective. Physician sovereignty implies that health care professionals, such as doctors, largely influence or regulate the demand for health care. People believe that they require the checkups, medicines, and therapies that the physician advises. Health care demands professional knowledge or expertise. People depend on the doctor. The physician could consider cost, but they are obviously minor (Culyer et al., 2011). Decisions are made based on established clinical knowledge and practice and the guarantee of appropriate, correct health care. The usual thriftiness of a consumer who weighs prices against one another thoroughly and makes budgets is nonexistent in health care. Although this is not essentially negative, it does further result in a greater demand for, and thus increasing costs of, medical care. Moreover, within conventional ‘fee-for-service insurance’, the higher the number of services that are suggested the greater the income the physician or hospital gets (Aizer, 2007 , 405). This situation could result in unnecessary services with gains that are not equal or more than their costs. In fact, physicians may be inclined to over-service, over-test, and overprescribe, particularly if this excessive medical care lessens the possibility of an expensive medical malpractice case (Hicks, 2014). The over-demand produced by third-party payments is a perfect illustration of how consumer decision-making and behavior can be influenced by financial incentives. Consumers are simply acting in response reasonably to the incentive of a lowered price, and the unused or misused medical care is an indication of consumer preference. The result may not be socially desired, yet the consumer remains